'=ER1 PROJECT= Stops the HAL program responding to its own reply when picked up by the microphone. 'For HAL to respond, the user must say the name of HAL first, then followed by the sentence. 'Eg. User would say "Erica move forward 500 cm" 'Place this below the Function GetResponse(ByVal UserSentence, ByVal UserName, ByVal ComputerName, ........) line Rsentence = UCase(UserSentence) 'Convert user sentence to Uppercase Robotname = UCase(ComputerName) 'Convert HAL name to uppercase robwords = (Split(Rsentence)) 'Split the words into the robword array If robwords(1) <> Robotname Then Exit Function 'If 1st word is not HAL's name then EXIT the function.