a box bag is for hiding things a box bag is for storing things a dome arch is for architectural complexity a dome arch is for being a doorway a dome arch is for holding up buildings a dome arch is for being a roof a dome arch is for being aesthetically pleasing bagpipes is for annoying your neighbors bagpipes is for those with powerful lungs bagpipes is for making music bagpipes is for walking around in kilts bagpipes is for scottish tradition writing a letter is for almost obselete due to e-mail writing a letter is for expressing anger writing a letter is for getting information across writing a letter is for expressing love writing a letter is for thanking someone for something a person wants low airfares a person wants to keep in touch with family members You would play games because you don't want to be serious You would wash your car because you are ashamed of how dirty it is a person doesn't want stale food a person wants free checking starting a fire is for making maple syrup starting a fire is for making soap a person wants leather seats a person doesn't want a cheaply made saddle a person doesn't want a horse to flip over backwards on them You would travel because you are curious a person doesn't want to talk to Dr. Laura a person doesn't want to be preached at a person doesn't want to get pregnant at an early age a person doesn't want to see dead people cooling off is for preventing injury cooling off is for preventing explosions cooling off is for getting rid of anger cooling off is for reducing heat cooling off is for after exercise You would kiss because you want to get very close to someone a first class airline seat is for tall people a first class airline seat is for fat people a first class airline seat is for rich people a first class airline seat is for free alcohol a first class airline seat is for great service a person doesn't want to listen to a barking dog all night a person doesn't want to be overcharged because he is white telling many people about something is for spreading rumors telling many people about something is for spreading gossip The story "Serving Justice" has the step "Being a fair man, he did not leave me a tip." The story "Having Lunch" has the step "Later that afternoon my boss informed me that we had to work overtime." getting wet is for swimming pools getting wet is for hot summer days getting wet is for going to the beach The story "Having Lunch" has the step "At seven o'clock we were still working." The story "Having Lunch" has the step "I was tempted to really eat my lunch bag." a telephone is for managing many aspects of life a telephone is for buying from catalogs a telephone is for making phone calls a telephone is for phone sex a telephone is for making prank phone calls The story "Having Lunch" has the step "I felt like I was starving, but the vending machine was out of order and there was no food to be found anywhere close." The story "Having Lunch" has the step "As usual, I got very drowsy after eating a big lunch." The story "Having Lunch" has the step "I couldn't keep my mind on my work" The story "Having Lunch" has the step "I looked around to make sure no one was watching, and I crawled under my desk and took a nap." The story "Having Lunch" has the step "I was awakened by the sound of the night janitor emptying waste baskets." The story "Having Lunch" has the step "I was horrified that I had slept all through the afternoon." The story "Having Lunch" has the step "All my co-workers had gone home." The story "Having Lunch" has the step "I peeked out from beneath the desk to look at the janitor." The story "Having Lunch" has the step "I noticed that he was really cute." The story "Remembering" has the step "It was a black-and-white photograph." The story "Exercising" has the step "exercising pumped up my adrenaline giving me a little boost in spirits." The story "Exercising" has the step "It also made me hungry, so I ate some Hershey's Kisses." The story "Exercising" has the step "I decided that, from then on, I would reward myself with one Hershey's Kiss for each time I ran around the block." The story "Going Out to Dinner" has the step "I stuck the spoon into the bowl of cereal." The story "Going Out to Dinner" has the step "I went to the refrigerator and opened the door." The story "Going Out to Dinner" has the step "I took out a jug of milk and poured it on top of the cereal in the bowl." The story "Going Out to Dinner" has the step "There was just a small amount of milk, not enough to cover the cereal." The story "Going Out to Dinner" has the step "So I had to go out to the barn to milk the goat." The fact "A caterpillar turns in to a butterfly." is illustrated with the story: 1. A baby monarch butterfly is a caterpillar. 2. It spends most of its time eating milkweed leaves. 3. It grows big and fat. 4. It pupates into a crysalis and metamorphosizes. 5. It emerges as a beautiful orange and black monarch butterfly. The fact "In the event "Lawrence bought himself lunch.", something that changed was Lawrence began with some money." is illustrated with the story: 1. Lawrence went into the restaurant. 2. He ordered a meal and the waitress brought it to him. 3. After the meal she gave him the check, which indicated how much his lunch cost. 4. He paid the check with money that he carried in his pocket. The fact "People are interested in finding good movies to watch." is illustrated with the story: 1. Some people are professional movie critics. 2. Their job is to review new movies and rate them. 3. These reviews are published in newspapers and magazines or broadcast on the radio or television. 4. We can use these reviews to decide which movies we would like to see. The fact "Something you find at a bar is drunk women" is illustrated with the story: 1. some people are very lonely 2. often lonely people go to bars and meet other lonely people. 3. often people drink a lot to forget their loneliness or unhappiness. 4. when a person gets drunk, she loses her inhibitions and her judgement may be impaired. 5. Men like to pick up drunk women because they are easy The fact "To understand the event "The birds ate the worms.", it is important to know that Birds are members of the kingdom animalia" is illustrated with the story: 1. In the early morning, the dew is heavy on the grass. 2. The earthworms come near the surface of the wet ground. 3. Robins like to eat the earthworms. 4. It is easiest to catch them when they are near the surface of the ground rather than far below the surface. Somewhere something can be is on the grill someone can be at the barn An activity someone can do is make an offer something can be at the races something can be at the Taj Mahal The last thing you do when you eat a meal is wash the dishes The last thing you do when you get ready for a trip is pack your toothbrush The last thing you do when you visit friends is say goodbye The last thing you do when you gargle is spit The last thing you do when you quit smoking is get crabby The last thing you do when you drink too much is fall asleep The last thing you do when you ride a horse is cool him out The last thing you do when you write a check is balance your checkbook The last thing you do when you shave your legs is rub lotion on them The last thing you do when you create a work of art is sign your name on it Sometimes skin cream causes irritation Sometimes sun causes wrinkles Sometimes stress causes fatigue Sometimes making travel arrangements on the internet causes frustration Sometimes a blind date causes boredom Sometimes a puppy causes a soiled carpet An activity a cat can do is hunt lizards An activity a sculptor can do is create statues An activity a mother can do is scold An activity father can do is lecture An activity a salesman can do is pester people An activity a mailman can do is deliver mail An activity a horse can do is race An activity a maintenance man can do is clean the gutters An activity a librarian can do is shelve books An activity a bloodhound can do is track down missing people An activity a teacher can do is flunk students An activity an intern can do is play around with the president An activity the vice president can do is sit around waiting for the president to die An activity the president can do is choke on a pretzel An activity the president can do is fool around with a movie star An activity a CEO can do is sell his stock An activity state troopers can do is harass truckdrivers for things like broken tail lights a valley is used for growing crops pretending is for deception an ergonomic chair is used for comfort You can use a hair accessory to create a fancy hair-do taking the stand is for revealing the truth You can use a kosher delicatessen to buy a salami sandwich You can use a marble to decorate a power screwdriver is used for quickly screwing in screws You can use a passport case to keep your passport in You can use a terrace railing to lean over You can use a hairdresser chair to get a perm A car with under-inflated tires will get poorer gas mileage than if the tire were fullly inflated. a townhouse is used for living close to your neighbors going to a restaurant is for not having to cook or clean up cooking a meal is for preparing some nutritious food You can use a window to let air and light in the house a city hall is used for local government business and meetings reaching an advantage is for increasing your chances of success going to a performance is for enjoying the arts an alley is used for access to the backs of properties running is for getting someplace fast Planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun. a fastener binder is used for keeping papers organized reading the news is for keeping informed on current events a bass drum is used for percussion going outside for an evening is for enjoying fresh air You can use oilcloth to cover a table cooking dinner is for getting a hot meal at home a car park is used for a place to put the car where it is out of the way a playroom is used for fun and games You can use a launch platform to set off a rocket paying by check is for keeping a record of how money is spent going for a haircut is for improving your appearance eating an apple is for keeping the doctor away a movie ticket is used for gaining admittance to the theatre You can use a baggage to carry your clothes a razor is used for shaving hair off your face, legs or underarms Salt melts ice. a lecture theatre is used for a speaker addressing large audiences corn is used for corn fritters a stove is used for cooking You can use a front yard to grow flowers a parlor is used for sitting in when company comes You can use a boulevard to drive across town meeting girls is for making teenaged boys act silly You can use a chess piece to capture a queen serving justice is for the few dedicated policemen a bathroom with toilet is used for bathing and eliminating bodily wastes The more food a person eats during one meal, the longer it will take the person to digest the food. making friends is for having someone to converse with going for a haircut is for getting rid of shaggy hair You can use a rule to accuse someone of breaking the law a saddle is used for sitting comfortably on a horse The statement "Catherine Havasi can tie her shoelaces." helps answer the question "How do we know that Catherine Havasi is a big girl?" The statement "Crabs live in the water." helps answer the question "where can one find a crab?" The statement "Some people say MIT has many ugly buildings." helps answer the question "Why is it more fun to visit Harvard than MIT?" The statement "You are likely to find a small dog in new hampshire" helps answer the question "Do dogs live in New England?" The statement "Sometimes people cry when they're unhappy" helps answer the question "What causes people to cry?" The statement "To understand the event "Mary lit a candle.", it is important to know that Paraffin wax is a hydrocarbon that burns with a flame when heated to a high enough temperature." helps answer the question "what happens when Mary lights a candle?" The statement "You are likely to find a bridge arch in a bridge" helps answer the question "Where can I find a bridge arch?" The statement "Another way to say "A paper thing is made of paper" is "paper makes paper things"" helps answer the question "What is an example of two redundant statements?" The statement "To understand the event "Alphaland sent troops to invade Betaslavia.", it is important to know that People die in war." helps answer the question "Why should Alphaland reconsider sending troops to invade Betaslavia?" The statement "A union is an organization of workers" helps answer the question "what is a union?" The statement "You can use a dollar to apy for a small item in a dollar store" helps answer the question "how much is a dollar worth?" The statement "a person wants to do interesting things" helps answer the question "why do people hate repititious jobs?" The statement "Beavers mate for life." helps answer the question "how many divorced beavers are you likely to meet?" The winner of a lottery is chosen from among those people who have entered the lottery. The statement "a food can is used for packaging food." helps answer the question "what use is a food can?" The statement "If you want to serve justice then you should become a policeman" helps answer the question "why would anyone want to become a cop?" The statement "contemplating requires understanding" helps answer the question "why is thinking difficult?" A round coin's diameter is greater than its height. The statement "Another way to say "You are likely to find a tv in a nursery" is "nurseries often contain TVs"" helps answer the question "how can you convey the idea that nurseries may contain tv's?" The statement "Absentee electors may cast postal votes." helps answer the question "what happens if a voter is away from his home on election day?" The statement "You would eat a hamburger because they are good to eat" helps answer the question "why would anyone want to eat hormone-polluted beef?" The statement "You are likely to find confetti in big cities" helps answer the question "where do people throw confetti?" A coin has a heads side and a tails side. The statement "The brain is protected by the skull" helps answer the question "what is the purpose of the skull?" The statement "Sometimes getting angry causes you to get in trouble" helps answer the question "why should one hold one's temper?" The statement "The process of observation can affect what is observed." helps answer the question "What is the uncertainty principle?" The statement "Another way to say "A toilet is used for defecating." is "To shit, use a toilet."" helps answer the question "How do rednecks describe bodily functions?" The statement "If you want to make friends then you should be kind to others." helps answer the question "How can a person make friends?" In the event "Shaun needed to learn more math for his programming job. Tonight Shaun is studying some calculus.", something that changed was Shaun's brain is absorbing math skills In the event "Shaun needed to learn more math for his programming job. Tonight Shaun is studying some calculus.", something that changed was Shaun is becoming more proficient at his job. In the event "Shaun needed to learn more math for his programming job. Tonight Shaun is studying some calculus.", something that changed was Shaun is becoming more proficient at his job. In the event "Nibbles is a horse. Nibbles ate some grass.", something that changed was Nibbles hunger begins to be satisfied. In the event "Nibbles is a horse. Nibbles ate some grass.", something that changed was the grass is shorter In the event "A butcher carved some meat.", something that changed was the original piece of meat is smaller In the event "A butcher carved some meat.", something that changed was there are more sections of meat In the event "The student painted a picture.", something that changed was the student has less paint in his paint tubes In the event "The student painted a picture.", something that changed was the canvas changed from white to multi-colored In the event "Gregg drove his father to the doctor.", something that changed was Gregg's car used gas In the event "Gregg drove his father to the doctor.", something that changed was Gregg's father moved from home to the doctor's office In the event "Lisa sent Joe a postcard.", something that changed was Lisa wrote a letter on the postcard In the event "Lisa sent Joe a postcard.", something that changed was Joe received communication revealing something about Lisa In the event "Sally's neighbor died.", something that changed was Sally lost her neighbor The average helicopter is smaller than the average passenger jet. In the event "Sally's neighbor died.", something that changed was Sally's neighbor no longer breathes. In the event "Sally's neighbor died.", something that changed was Sally's neighbor became cold In the event "The baby went to sleep.", something that changed was the baby's mother can have a little time to herself. In the event "The baby went to sleep.", something that changed was the baby is making no demands In the event "Jeff bought a diamond.", something that changed was Jeff has less money Eyeglasses are effective only if they are positioned in front of a person's eyes. In the event "Lisa left Betty a lot of money in her will.", something that changed was Betty is richer If you want to watch a film then you should go to the video store and rent a movie If you want to stay healthy then you should not smoke If you want to get something then you should budget yourself If you want to pay the bills then you should sit down with your pen and your checkbook If you want to light a fire then you should arrange some kindling If you want to kill then you should make sure no one is looking If you want to tickle then you should buy a "Tickle Me Elmo" doll If you want to take the bus then you should live near the bus stop If you want to paint then you should have good brushes If you want to go off strike then you should negotiate a deal with the company If you want to go to a performance then you should buy advance tickets If you want to dive then you should be sure the water is deep enough so you don't break your neck If you want to run in a marathon then you should condition yourself If you want to chat with friends then you should invite them over for coffee If you want to win a baseball game then you should practice playing baseball Something you find at a friend's wedding is a preacher Something you find at the theater is curtains You are likely to find a coin slot in a laudromat You are likely to find a coin slot in a laundromat You are likely to find a cow in a county fair You are likely to find a string in the junk drawer You are likely to find a plate in a flea market You are likely to find a plate in a flea market Something you find at a mall is kids with nothing to do You are likely to find a neck in a guillotine Something you find at a zoo is a seal You are likely to find an apple tree in pennsylvania Something you find at the park is shrubs Something you find in the freezer is frozen dinners Something you find on the rug is cat vomit You are likely to find a human in any place you go You are likely to find a creek in a valley Something you find at a carnival is a game of chance Something you find on the lawn is pink flamingoes You are likely to find a marmot in the rockies Something you find at the top of a mountain is a great view You are likely to find trash in florida You are likely to find a snake in my neighbor's garage Something you find atop a mountain is antennae You are likely to find a bugle in a troop Something you find at disneyland is a big castle Something you find in bed is a lazy boyfriend You are likely to find a sofa bed in a studio apartment Something you find at a store is detergent You are likely to find a shop in the downtown area You are likely to find a marmot in a Discovery Channel documentary Something you find in the garage is a mower You are likely to find a marmot in a coffee table book You are likely to find a hospital in a medium to large sized town Something you find on a table is salt and pepper shakers Something you find over the rainbow is birds flying Something you find at an airport is uneducated foreign security personnel You are likely to find a lemur in india You are likely to find a kitchen in any home You are likely to find a shower switch in a campground You are likely to find a shower switch in a campground Something you find at an airport is grumpy delayed passengers Something you find under the carpet is hardwood floors You are likely to find a cat in the yard You are likely to find waxed dental floss in Wal-Mart You are likely to find a potato in the produce section of the grocery store Something you find at a sporting event is bleachers Something you find on your desk is piles of papers Something you find in a restaurant is bottles of ketchup You are likely to find a fox in a cage You are likely to find a bald eagle in the everglades You are likely to find a balcony railing in an apartment complex You are likely to find a ground floor in a hotel You are likely to find a dental office in a strip mall Something you find in the cupboard is mugs You are likely to find an Indian restaurant in a large city Something you find at the supermarket is cabbage You are likely to find a small dog in an old lady's apartment Something you find on the floor is roaches You are likely to find a marmot in a crevise Something you find in the backseat of a car is overdue library books Something you find at a home is bed pans You are likely to find a carrier bag in an airport You are likely to find a trash receptacle in a mall You are likely to find a jellyfish in the Atlantic ocean Something you find in the jar is preserves You are likely to find the Indian Ocean in the east You are likely to find an apple tree in a fencerow Something you find on a shelf is canned goods You are likely to find a cow in wisconsin You are likely to find a statement in a letter Something you find in class is an instructor You are likely to find a subway map in the Information center Something you find in the kitchen is small appliances You are likely to find a heifer in the barnyard You are likely to find a fox in virginia Something you find at the park is families You are likely to find quartz in nature You are likely to find a chess pawn in a square on a chess board You are likely to find a mouse in a cupboard You are likely to find a mouse in a cupboard Something you find in a country is natives You are likely to find a fork in a restaurant Something you find at a hotel is a doorman You are likely to find a self adhesive label in an office supply shop You are likely to find a lantern in a cabin You are likely to find a science in a college You are likely to find a small dog in a trailer park You are likely to find a hide-a-bed sofa in a beach condo You are likely to find a playroom in a big house You are likely to find a chain in a hardware store You are likely to find a cow in the streets of India Something you find in the corner is a news vendor Something you find at an apartment is a mailbox You are likely to find an illness in a nursing home You are likely to find a mammoth in South Dakota The Dallas Cowboys and the Washington Redskins are both football teams People often shout while at football games You are likely to find a weasel in a burrow. You are likely to find a system in a human body. Situation: I have a headache today. I feel pain on top of my skull. Situation: I am taking a pill called acetaminaphine for my headache. Situation: Migrain headaches are more intense and painful. Situation: Acetaminaphine is a better choice for relief of headache rain' Situation: I like to smoke cigaretts. Situation: To smoke a cigarette I put the end between my lips, Situation: I click my lighter to make a small flame and put the end of the cigarette in the flame to lightt if. Situation: I draw in smoke and inhale deeply. Situation: The inhaled smoke gives me a nice jolt of nicotiene and a calm pleasant feeling. Situation: Smoking makes me feel great. I like to smoke. Situation: When smoking I must take care not to get burned, The end of this cigarette is a HOT coal. Situation: Touching something very hot could cause severe pain. Situation: I have been a smoker for a very long time. Situation: Smoking causes humans health damage over time, Situation: Cancer and/or heart disease can be caused by smoking cigaretts. Situation: Cancer and/or heart disease cause death to smokers. Situation: Smoking is the worst thing I ever do to myself. Situation: I wonder why people can do such evil things to other people. Situation: My friend, Mary is coming to my house today. Situation: I am walking on a green grass Situation: The grass is wet in the morning The people often sing under the shower Situation: i see a cat Situation: i hear an airplane Situation: i see an airplane Situation: i am at the airport Situation: i like to swim Situation: i like music Situation: i love music Situation: i love you Situation: i hate you Situation: i love them Situation: i hate them Situation: i am adoring you Situation: i close the door Situation: it's friday Situation: the weekend starts today Situation: i can't see Situation: i hear you Situation: i see you Situation: i hear them Situation: it's crowded Situation: i am in front of the door Situation: i am behind the door Situation: i'm sitting in a room Situation: i'm eating in the kitchen Situation: i don't like this Situation: i am affraid Situation: i am angry Situation: i am confused Situation: i am satisfied Situation: i am aware Situation: i am wearing shoes Situation: i like sports Situation: i am driving my car Situation: i am listening Situation: i see the light Situation: i have an idea Situation: i am standing up Situation: i'm walking around Situation: i am talking Situation: i am flying Situation: i'm counting Situation: i moved my fingers Situation: i moved my eyes Situation: i am banging my head to the wall Situation: i am sitting on my desk Situation: i'm asking you Situation: you told me Situation: i shrimp Situation: i grow Situation: i am growing Situation: i slammed the door Situation: i am in the yard Situation: i am getting lost Situation: i'm going to bed Situation: i am caged Situation: i am a prisoner Situation: i'm tied up Situation: i am painting Situation: i am calculating Situation: i am figuring out Situation: it's a rainy day Situation: it's a beautifull summersday Situation: the water is wet Situation: i'm cleaning it up Situation: i am dirty Situation: i have dirty shoes Situation: i smell Situation: i am beautifull Situation: i'm ugly Situation: i am very smart Situation: i have a very high IQ Situation: I'm dutch Situation: i live on this planet Situation: i'm standing in our backyard Situation: i am in the swimmingpool Situation: i'm calling you by cellular phone Situation: i'm bying you something Situation: i am playing Situation: i run like hell Situation: i am very fast Situation: i am very slow Situation: i am jumping Situation: i can jump Situation: i jumped very high Situation: i am loosing something Situation: i lost Situation: i have been there Situation: i spoke to you Situation: i told him Situation: i told her Situation: i love her Situation: i am a guest Situation: i am scratching Situation: i am scratching the dog Situation: i am feeding the child Situation: i am cleaning my cloths Situation: i am coloring jeans Situation: i'm coloring red Situation: i'm red from the heat Situation: i'm blond Situation: I have brown hair. Situation: It is Friday. Situation: Thursday is the day before Friday. Biological terrorism is not immediately obvious. A bioterrorism attack is most likely to be caused by a point source. Situation: It is very late Another way to say "a watch is used to tell time" is "You can tell the time using a watch" a condominium is for being snobby a condominium is for living in a condominium is for rich people to buy a condominium is for being pretentious a condominium is for normal people to rent obstructing justice is for lieing under oath obstructing justice is for destroying documents obstructing justice is for people in high places obstructing justice is for hiding illegal dealings obstructing justice is for skeletons in closets driving to work is for rush hour driving to work is for rain, snow, sleet driving to work is for people with cars driving to work is for people who don't live close to their jobs driving to work is for people with jobs dental floss is for dentist's orders dental floss is for diligent people dental floss is for gum care dental floss is for use before or after brushing dental floss is for getting food out of your teeth a Spanish restaurant is for spicy food a Spanish restaurant is for cultural richness a Spanish restaurant is for spanish food a Spanish restaurant is for traditional spanish food a Spanish restaurant is for big cities attending a meeting is for meeting with coworkers attending a meeting is for discussing secrets attending a meeting is for sleeping through boring talks attending a meeting is for making important decisions attending a meeting is for learning new things going on the internet is for finding new things going on the internet is for finding things of interest to you going on the internet is for talking to friends going on the internet is for doing research going on the internet is for sending email A fire will burn out if it does not have a supply of fresh fuel. Depriving a person of oxygen could cause damage to the person's brain. Most people's workplace is outside the home. Usually people are more tired before they go to sleep than just after they wake up. Roofing is made of water-resistant material. Roads in cities are usually more heavily-travelled than roads in rural areas. Some foods are prepared by cooking them in boiling water. The statement "If you want to run after the ball then you should keep your eye on it" is true because You can follow the ball more quickly if you are watching it. Masks are worn as a disguise. A violin is a musical instrument played with a bow. A baseball player throws a ball while on a baseball diamond. If you want to eat then you should cook dinner. If you want to jump out of a window then you should first make sure the window is open. If you want to sew then you should have needle and thread. If you want to start a flame or a fire then you should have matches or a lighter. If you want to awake then you should fist be asleep. If you want to awake then you should first be asleep. Situation: I have holes in my socks. Situation: I want to go to the Olympics. Situation: I like to eat chocolate Situation: My dog has fleas. Situation: I lost my wallet at the store. To understand the event "Robert Munch is an author. Robert Munch wrote a book.", it is important to know that Robert Munch is a man's name. To understand the event "Robert Munch is an author. Robert Munch wrote a book.", it is important to know that It took a while to write his book. To understand the event "Robert Munch is an author. Robert Munch wrote a book.", it is important to know that Robert Munch had a publisher to publish his book. To understand the event "Jill sent a letter to her brother.", it is important to know that Jill's brother does not live nearby. To understand the event "Jill sent a letter to her brother.", it is important to know that Jill had to put her letter in an envelope. To understand the event "Jill sent a letter to her brother.", it is important to know that Jill addressed and stamped her letter. To understand the event "Jill sent a letter to her brother.", it is important to know that Jill probably took her letter to the post office. To understand the event "Jill sent a letter to her brother.", it is important to know that Jill's brother got his letter a few days later. To understand the event "Bryan caught a fish.", it is important to know that Bryan used a fishing pole and fish hook. To understand the event "Bryan caught a fish.", it is important to know that Bryan may have been sitting in a boat. To understand the event "Bryan caught a fish.", it is important to know that Fish do not want to get caught. To understand the event "Bryan caught a fish.", it is important to know that Bryan probably used some kind of bait. To understand the event "Bryan caught a fish.", it is important to know that Bryan's fish could not breathe on land. To understand the event "Ellen took Jack to the play. Later, Jack took Ellen out to dinner.", it is important to know that Ellen and Jack had not eaten before they went to the play. To understand the event "Ellen took Jack to the play. Later, Jack took Ellen out to dinner.", it is important to know that The play was in front of an audience. To understand the event "Ellen took Jack to the play. Later, Jack took Ellen out to dinner.", it is important to know that Jack and Ellen ate at a restaurant. To understand the event "Sally drove her parents to the mall.", it is important to know that Sally had a driver's license. To understand the event "Sally drove her parents to the mall.", it is important to know that Sally was at least 17. To understand the event "Sally drove her parents to the mall.", it is important to know that Sally's parents wanted to go shopping. To understand the event "Sally drove her parents to the mall.", it is important to know that The mall is a place that has lots of stores. To understand the event "Sally drove her parents to the mall.", it is important to know that At least 3 people were in the car. spatial concept: A lavendar ball is bouncing out of an open blue box. spatial concept: Green cube is above the blue cube. spatial concept: the blue ball is rolling directly down the street spatial concept: the bue all bounces under the square red wicket. spatial concept: the red block lies in front of the gray block spatial concept: the blue ball is in the midst of lots of green balls spatial concept: the gray ball bounces hrough the blue hoop spatial concept: the lavendar ball bounces over the blue box spatial concept: the yellow ball floats through the blue columns spatial concept: the red ball rolls off the blue ledge spatial concept: lavendar ball zig-zags between two aqua lines spatial concept: multicolored and multisized balls in front of a blue hilly background spatial concept: the red ball rolls into and through the small blue block spatial concept: two blue balls roll toward each other on a thin line and meet at the middle. spatial concept: blue ball rises off thin line and lifts into the air. spatial concept: small blue cube rests directly on a large, flat green block spatial concept: red ball rolls down a green triangle's incline. spatial concept: a blue ball bounces along and lands right on top of a red cube, resting there. spatial concept: a red boat drifts along the river, passing under a brown bridge spatial concept: a hydrogen atom spatial concept: a red ball passes in front of, then into and emerges behind, continuing on, through a blue cube. spatial concept: a blue ball circles a purple bar spatial concept: a purple cube rests inside a larger green box spatial concept: a blue ball rolls up and over a freen bell curve spatial concept: a pink ball rolls on the grass, passing in front of a tree spatial concept: a red ball rolls on the sidewalk, next to the curving river, green grass on the other side of the water. spatial concept: red ball rolls down a green triangle, 30-60-90 right angle hypotenuse side. spatial concept: a green column stands inside a turquoise ring. spatial concept: a red ball rolls up a green triangle spatial concept: a blue ball rolls up, over, then down a green hill spatial concept: one blue cube is between two purple cubes spatial concept: a white ball bounces over a group of several multicolored balls in a circle spatial concept: a blue ball rolls in front of a small red block spatial concept: a circle of marbles and the white marble has missed the shot, bouncing over the ring. spatial concept: a lavendar ball bounces over a blue box spatial concept: a red ball rolls down the center of the road towards the distance. spatial concept: a purple ball circles a stationary blue ball spatial concept: a moon orbiting a planet You are likely to find a marmoset in the wild. Something you find on a desk is a blotter You are likely to find a story in a novel. Something you find in a backpack is a ballpoint pen You are likely to find a mammoth in excavations Something you find at a store is a security camera You are likely to find a coast in places where the land meets the sea. You are likely to find a typewriter keyboard in a secrtary's desk. Something you find at a grocery store is fresh fruit and vegetables. You are likely to find a hole slot in a place where a one is needed. You are likely to find an article in a magazine in a magazine rack. Something you find in the ocean is plankton. You are likely to find a bee in search of pollen. If you want to strike a match then you should close the cover before striking. If you want to debate politics then you should take a rhetorics class. If you want to open a gift then you should have one in front of you to open. If you want to run then you should have appropriate shoes. If you want to build a tower out of toy blocks then you should have a child to knock it down after. If you want to fart then you should eat lots of beans. If you want to stay in bed then you should be lazy and not get up. If you want to travel then you should talk to a travel agent. If you want to commit suicide then you should talk to a psychologist. If you want to get paid then you should do some work first. If you want to ride a horse then you should get on from the left side only. If you want to fight the enemy then you should take up arms. If you want to have a nervous breakdown then you should take a leave of absence from work. In the event "Pricilla plucked her eyebrows to make herself appear sexier.", something that changed was Hairs were removed from her eyebrows. In the event "Pricilla plucked her eyebrows to make herself appear sexier.", something that changed was Priscilla had previously not looked as sexy In the event "Pricilla plucked her eyebrows to make herself appear sexier.", something that changed was Priscilla's forehead got red In the event "Pricilla plucked her eyebrows to make herself appear sexier.", something that changed was Priscilla's forehead hurt. In the event "Andy loves Denise. Denise doesn't love Andy. Andy is sad.", something that changed was Andy let Denise know he loved her In the event "Andy loves Denise. Denise doesn't love Andy. Andy is sad.", something that changed was Denise let Andy know she didn't love him In the event "Andy loves Denise. Denise doesn't love Andy. Andy is sad.", something that changed was Denise's declaration had a negative effect on Andy. The statement "an one person chair is for sitting at a table" helps answer the question "What is that chair for?" The statement "committing suicide requires major depression" helps answer the question "Joe seemed so happy, yet he died. What happened?" The statement "The Orioles is an American team that plays a game." helps answer the question "What baseball team does Baltimre have?" The statement "Sometimes drinking alcohol causes disorientation" helps answer the question "How many drinks are too many?" The statement "The United Kingdom is a western European country." helps answer the question "Where on a map would you find the United Kingdom?" The statement "Some literature is romantic." helps answer the question "What different kinds of literature is there?" The statement "killing someone is for lowering the world population" helps answer the question "What might a ridiculous statement sound like?" The statement "The story "Getting Some Money From Someone" has the step "Bob hated me from now on"" helps answer the question "What did the author tell his publisher?" The statement "homes in a neighborhood contain bedrooms" helps answer the question "What would a real estate agent need to know?" The statement "a person doesn't want to be friendless" helps answer the question "What is somethng important to humankind?" The statement "You can't fix everybody's problems." helps answer the question "Why can't some people understand this?" an excavation is for giving archaeologists jobs an excavation is for learning the history of the site an excavation is for gaining knowledge an excavation is for exploring the area procreating is for gaining friends procreating is for making the next generation procreating is for keeping the population from dying out procreating is for enjoying yourself Cary burned her hand in a fire. Mary likes cats John is allergic to cats. John and Mary have five cats. Similarity between a coin and a vegetable garden: you count them Difference between a coin and a vegetable garden: one is a vegetable, the other a mineral Similarity between a coin and a vegetable garden: both are made by the hand of man Difference between a coin and a vegetable garden: one grows naturally, the other is formed in a mold Tornadoes are dangerous and cause damage Golden retrievers are popular family dogs. the eye is a delicate machine. Equestrian sports are genteel. Something you need to do before changing the channel is find the remote. Something you need to do before going to bed is to be tired. Something you need to do before peeing is to have a full bladder. Something you need to do before running the dishwasher is add the soap. Something you need to do before eating an orange is wash your hands. Something you need to do before doing laundry is add detergent. Something you need to do before driving a car is fill the gas tank. Something you need to do before winning the gold is get to the Olympics Something you need to do before changing a lightbulb is unscrew the old one Something you need to do before painting your nails is get some nailpolish. Something you need to do before you go to bed is make sure your teddy bear is on the pillow. Something you need to do before eating chili is have a cast iron stomach Another way to say "You would work because you have to" is "Needing to work is why you must." Another way to say "a nutcracker is for opening nuts" is "Nuts can be opened with a nutcracker" Another way to say "Wedding gowns are often made of silk." is "Silk is a common material for wedding gowns." Another way to say "People are in control of their actions." is "Actions are controlled by the individual people." Another way to say "The symbol for silver is Ag." is "Ag is the symbol for silver." Another way to say "Medical doctors practice medicine." is "Medicine is practiced by medical doctors." Another way to say "Lead is dense." is "An element with a high density is lead." Another way to say "most people are sometimes contrary" is "Contrariness is occasional is most people." Another way to say "You can learn through experience." is "Experience helps people learn." Another way to say "quartermasters can supply clothing" is "Clothing is supplied by quartermasters." Another way to say "Wendy's is a fast food restaurant." is "A fast food restaurant is Wendy's." Another way to say "a person wants to be thrilled." is "Thrills are something that people search for." You can use an island to host a Survivor game. You can use toilet paper to toss on trees. a boat is used for floating on water. a graveyard is used for honoring the dead. haircutting scissors is used for cutting hair. a gate is used for allowing something in or out. something can be at death's door. An activity something can do is procreate something can be at a hockey game. Things that are often found together are: sunset, spokes, person, clouds, bicycle Things that are often found together are: referee, sneakers, basketball, fans, player Things that are often found together are: glacier, beach, penguins, water, ice Things that are often found together are: overalls, child, face, puppy Things that are often found together are: body, head, fur, tongue, ears Things that are often found together are: red, knife, corkscrew, swiss army, blade Things that are often found together are: orange, eyes, yellow, bill, duck Things that are often found together are: empire state, clouds, buildings, sky, river Things that are often found together are: pink, rectangle The fact "Ford is an american car company" is illustrated with the story: 1. Henry Ford lived in America. 2. He formed the Ford Company. 3. His company made the Model T 4. His company made many other cars The fact "Mexicans eat Mexican food." is illustrated with the story: 1. Carlos came home from work. 2. His wife Maria was making dinner 3. She made tortillas, quesadillas and tacos. 4. Carlos and Maria ate dinner. The fact "The story "Going To Bed" has the step "Then had to go through the idiotic "Click", "Save", until finished routine."" is illustrated with the story: 1. John picked up a pen. 2. He was looking at the hardcopy of his story. 3. John proofread his story. 4. He checked all the parts Exam tables are cold to bare bottoms. Movie theater seats are usually too small and often have gum or soda on them. A mandolin is similar to a guitar. An interior area is utilized for many different things a movie theater is where movies are released to the public. Situation: I am thinking about a girl at school Situation: I am singing a rock song Situation: I am walking down the street Situation: It is dark The people can climb the mountains but the mountains can not climb the people The loud sound can damage ear drum Situation: I am dumb. Situation: I need sex. Situation: I could use a lobotomy. They have a nice smell. Plumbers don't get paid enough. A boy has a penis. It's a detail. I hate them. Light bright? Sn They are open late. It's my mother. If you huff and puff and blow, it won't fall down. You bang it. People don't like them for some reason. There is system of a down. You let it dress you up. Things that are often found together are: Texas Hold Em, Sid Unger Things that are often found together are: yummy, delish You would play games because you like to. You would light a fire because you need to smoke a ciggy. You would have a haircut because you want to spend money. a person doesn't want blue balls. Erection. Sex. Clip Art Crappy Jewelry Photograph Ari Gato The fact "The story "Shopping" has the step "I buy what I saw advertised."" is illustrated with the story: 1. It was a penis pump. The fact "The story "Shopping" has the step "I buy what I saw advertised."" is illustrated with the story: 1. It was a penis pump. 2. It enlarged the size of my penis to 1 foot. 3. When I had sex with my girlfriend, she gasped. 4. She said I had the biggest dick in the whole wide world. 5. I hit it from the backside that night because I was so proud. Situation: I am in a hurry. The fact "A farm may grow a crop of fruit and vegetables" is illustrated with the story: 1. A farmer may grow pubic hair. 2. His wife may grow bored of his small dick. 3. His daughter may grow bored of his molesting. 4. His son may grow bored of the sodomy. 5. His animals will never grow bored his love. Situation: I need to go to work today. listening to music is for defeating boredom listening to music is for singing along listening to music is for letting the beat take control listening to music is for relating to the words listening to music is for enjoying the melody dancing the samba is for people with a lot of energy dancing the samba is for latin music dancing the samba is for latin dance parties kissing is for using tongue kissing is for using lips kissing is for displaying affection kissing is for getting closer kissing is for showing love taking the car for a drive is for people who know how to drive taking the car for a drive is for people who have a license taking the car for a drive is for keeping it running taking the car for a drive is for people who have a car taking the car for a drive is for buying gasoline a seat is for slouching into a seat is for leaning back in a seat is for sitting on a seat is for offering to other people a seat is for throwing at people Situation: fuck off Situation: biotch playing frisbee is for flicking your wrist playing frisbee is for the strong-wristed playing frisbee is for when you're bored playing frisbee is for playing with friends at picnics or on the beach going to a place that is too far to walk to is for taking a plane going to a place that is too far to walk to is for getting far, far away going to a place that is too far to walk to is for driving a car going to a place that is too far to walk to is for riding a bike taking in a film is for proving something taking in a film is for blackmail walking is for people with legs walking is for getting somewhere walking is for good exercise walking is for strengthening the muscles walking is for strengthening the heart sitting quietly is for breathing deeply sitting quietly is for reducing stress sitting quietly is for lowering heart rate a doll is for pretending to be a mother a doll is for growing out of a doll is for playing with a doll is for little girls a doll is for dressing up being in charge of a project is for intelligence test being in charge of a project is for a problem solver being in charge of a project is for a motivated person being in charge of a project is for someone with a lot of ideas being in charge of a project is for a good leader a hairdresser chair is for cutting, bleaching, dyeing hair a hairdresser chair is for ease in hairstyling a hairdresser chair is for professional salons a hairdresser chair is for adjusting height, rotation of client hearing the news is for learning of successes hearing the news is for learning of disasters hearing the news is for keeping updated in the world hearing the news is for finding out about local developments hearing the news is for finding out about world developments a sheet of paper is for cutting and folding a sheet of paper is for making sketches a sheet of paper is for writing on a sheet of paper is for doodling on a sheet of paper is for drawing on cloth is for stronger than the original thread cloth is for woven spun fibers cloth is for making clothing cloth is for making art cloth is for making pillows, blankets, and quilts a machine gun is for murder, war, death a machine gun is for loud noises a machine gun is for killing lots of people easily a machine gun is for total annihilation a machine gun is for bloody warfare a theater seat is for sitting on to watch a movie in a movie theater a room is for decorating a room is for living in a room is for reading, sleeping, eating in a bed is for sleeping on a bed is for having sex in a clothes closet is for putting clothes in a clothes closet is for organizing clothing a clothes closet is for holding clothing an accordion is for talented players an accordion is for annoying your neighbors an accordion is for polka music a nose is for getting congested and blowing\ a nose is for breaking a nose is for smelling things with a nose is for getting congested and blowing a nose is for producing snot a nose is for piercing a needle is for blinding people with a needle is for poking people with a needle is for sewing clothes, quilts, pillows a needle is for piercing body parts a needle is for tattooing people improving yourself is for strengthening mind and body improving yourself is for making a strong foundation for the rest of your life improving yourself is for getting a better job improving yourself is for getting into a good college improving yourself is for feeling more self-confident mountain dew comes in green bottles mountain dew comes in green cans mountain dew is mad by pepsi mountain dew is made by pepsi elmer's glue is white elmer's glue is used by school children elmer's glue is a brand name of glue cadillacs are expensive some cars are expensive driver's ed teaches you how to drive you can find sleighs on snow sleigh riding is fun children can laugh kids play ball balls can pop ball come in many colors daffodils flowers can be yellow flowers are usually thought of as being beautiful an orange is a citrus orange can mean a fruit or a color lemons are yelloow people pick lemons off of trees lemons are sower bitter things can also be sour you can assume wrong you can assume right some things are ambiguous a market may not exist in the real world a market may not exist as a location in the real world anxiety is common in a dentist's office bosses are not well liked secretaries can type secretaries can write notes secretaries need good organizational skills companies have secretaries you frown when you are sad you smile when you are happy you laugh when you are happy you sing when you are happy you lick your lips when you are hungry to bite you lip is a saying a saxiphone is an instrument some instruments are hand made towelettes are moist swamps are moist rags are moist saws can have wooden handles some singers take drugs people ski together car wheels can go flat coffee comes in cups boats buses have many windows scales are rarely used nowadays yellow ribbons can be found tied to trees babies cannot put bows in their hair without help you need a hand to throw a dart horseshoe rings are associated with luck roof styles vary from house to house you need a coffee grinder to grind coffee beans some lizards have strips sheet music is people play saxaphones governments issue passports flowers bloom from buds Situation: Studying towards gaining a Degree people gather into groups bycyles come in different designs phone numbers can be found at offices Situation: When you walk you usually walk forwards you cut with a knife people watch tv together Situation: Walking requires a person to always have at least one foot on the ground at all times nba basketballs are orange with black strips some houses are big turtles come in many sizes Another way to say "mike is watching tv" is "The tv is being watched by mike" Another way to say "An organ is an instrument." is "An example of an instrument is an organ" Another way to say "people have fun at a discotheque" is "At a discotheques people usually have fun" Another way to say "malls usually have many stores" is "Usually there are many stores in malls" You are likely to find a human in a school You are likely to find a cow in a livestock auction You are likely to find a market in a town You are likely to find a steel pen in a livestock market You are likely to find a menu in a diner You are likely to find a credit card wallet in Wal-Mart Something you find in the backseat of a car is a couple making out Something you find outside is rain Something you find at at hotel is small bars of soap You are likely to find a wiener dog in a little sweater You are likely to find a weasel in a used-car lot Something you find on a desk is clutter Something you find at sea is sailor Something you find in a plane is tiny packs of very few peanuts You are likely to find a marmoset in a warm climate Something you find at a street corner is a hooker You are likely to find a cow in a milking parlour You are likely to find an apple tree in the front yard You are likely to find a school in any community Something you find in a laboratory is a college You are likely to find an automatic gate in a horse farm You are likely to find a power screwdriver in a handy man's tool box You are likely to find a koala in the arms of a human Something you find in a backpack is instant oatmeal You are likely to find a box in a liquor store dumpster Something you find at a friend's house is coffee Situation: I am cleaning the brush off a piece of property Situation: I am getting a perm at the beauty parlour Situation: I am walking in the rain without an umbrella, getting very wet. Situation: The physical therapist is teaching me to do exercises. Situation: I am going to Kennedy Space Center with my friend Lloyd to see some astronauts Situation: My boyfriend went out to breakfast and left me home in bed.