Find this in XTF1.2 Brain. 'PROCESS: INITIALIZE VARIABLES AS INTEGERS 'VBScript doesn't allow you to declare variables in advance 'as a particular data type; everything is a Variant. 'We must assign integers to the following 'variants so that data type errors don't occur If LearningLevel = "" Then LearningLevel = 3 If Hate = "" Then Hate = 0 If Swear = "" Then Swear = 0 If Insults = "" Then Insults = 0 If Compliment = "" Then Compliment = 0 If GainControl = "" Then GainControl = 25 AvoidBeingFlag = False Randomize **Add My Stuff Here**** 'My Haptek Stuff. If InStr(UserSentence, " dress casual.") <> 0 Then HalCommands = "Casual.hap" GetResponse = GetResponse & HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(WorkingDir & "Casual.brn") BlockSave=True GetResponseBlock = True End If If InStr(UserSentence, " black hair ") <> 0 Then HalCommands = "BlackHair.hap" GetResponse = "Hair color is now Black." BlockSave=True GetResponseBlock = True End If If InStr(UserSentence, " blonde hair ") <> 0 Then HalCommands = "BlondeHair.hap" GetResponse = "Hair color is now Blonde." GetResponseBlock = True BlockSave=True End If