Lexical Dictionary
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Using The Lexical Dictionary

The Lexical Dictionary is a Hal function that can be used to get the definition of any word. It uses a database called Wordnet that contains more then just definitions. There is additional information about each word which makes the Lexical Dictionary more than just a dictionary. It's more like a word encyclopedia for the entire English language. 


To look up information on a word you just need to type in the word and then click on one of the many selections available to display the type of information that you wish to see. The above example is showing the definition for the word "computer", but there is so much more additional information about that one word or any other word that you may want to know more about. The below example is displaying the "Synonyms and Hypernyms" for the word "computer".


And you can also click on the "Pronounce" selection so that you can hear Hal actually pronounce the word for you. But Hal can do much more than just that because while you are conversing with him you can just ask him for the definition of any word you want. You just have to say "What is" or "Define" and then the actual word you want to know more about as demonstrated in the below example:
